Worry stones provide a soothing tactile experience. They can calmness and are an excellent natural fidget device. The function can be enhanced by the specific crystal you choose.
Multiple crystal options.
Amethyst: Enhances meditative states. Eases insomnia of an overactive mind. Opens intuition.
Black Obsidian: Known as a shamanic stone, its energy is direct when helping us see our darkest truths. Highly protective and is known to block negativity from entering the auric field.
Black Tourmaline: Highly protective. Clears negative thoughts. Disperses stress.
Clear Quartz: Known as the Master Healer. Highly receptive to energetic programming as it openly accepts intentions.
Fluorite: Cleanses and stabilizes the aura and is protective on a psychic level. Assists with learning and decision making as it aids with processing information and organization.
Golden Healer: Ideal for use by all types of healers or those looking for healing. Known for its work to clear blockages at multiple levels.
Green Aventurine: A heart healer and harmonizer. Promotes courage, abundance and romance.
Hematite: Grounding and protective. Known for its support of the blood.
Labradorite: Deflects unwanted energies. Imparts strength and perseverance during times of change.
Lapis Lazuli: Opens the third eye and enhances dream work. Encourages self-awareness and self-expression.
Lepidolite: Clears electromagnetic pollution (phones/computers). Stabilizes mood. Aids in deep emotional healing.
Mahogany Obsidian: Fosters creativity and strength that aids us in releasing blockages that keep us from personal growth and development.
Rainbow Moonstone: Crystal of intuition and protection.
Red Jasper: Vitality
Rhodonite: Compassion, healthy boundaries, self-love.
Rose Quartz: Encourages unconditional love including self-love. Releases unexpressed emotions and heartache.
Serpentine: Helps you feel more in control of your life. Useful in past life exploration.
Sodalite: Aids in stilling the mind during meditation. Eases insomnia. Known to calm panic attacks and anxiety.
Sunstone: Encourages you to live life to the fullest. Promotes a healthy self-image.
Tigers Eye: Stimulates compassion and personal empowerment. Assists us in removing old habits.
Worry stones provide a soothing tactile experience. They can calmness and are an excellent natural fidget device. The function can be enhanced by the specific crystal you choose.
Multiple crystal options.
Amethyst: Enhances meditative states. Eases insomnia of an overactive mind. Opens intuition.
Black Obsidian: Known as a shamanic stone, its energy is direct when helping us see our darkest truths. Highly protective and is known to block negativity from entering the auric field.
Black Tourmaline: Highly protective. Clears negative thoughts. Disperses stress.
Clear Quartz: Known as the Master Healer. Highly receptive to energetic programming as it openly accepts intentions.
Fluorite: Cleanses and stabilizes the aura and is protective on a psychic level. Assists with learning and decision making as it aids with processing information and organization.
Golden Healer: Ideal for use by all types of healers or those looking for healing. Known for its work to clear blockages at multiple levels.
Green Aventurine: A heart healer and harmonizer. Promotes courage, abundance and romance.
Hematite: Grounding and protective. Known for its support of the blood.
Labradorite: Deflects unwanted energies. Imparts strength and perseverance during times of change.
Lapis Lazuli: Opens the third eye and enhances dream work. Encourages self-awareness and self-expression.
Lepidolite: Clears electromagnetic pollution (phones/computers). Stabilizes mood. Aids in deep emotional healing.
Mahogany Obsidian: Fosters creativity and strength that aids us in releasing blockages that keep us from personal growth and development.
Rainbow Moonstone: Crystal of intuition and protection.
Red Jasper: Vitality
Rhodonite: Compassion, healthy boundaries, self-love.
Rose Quartz: Encourages unconditional love including self-love. Releases unexpressed emotions and heartache.
Serpentine: Helps you feel more in control of your life. Useful in past life exploration.
Sodalite: Aids in stilling the mind during meditation. Eases insomnia. Known to calm panic attacks and anxiety.
Sunstone: Encourages you to live life to the fullest. Promotes a healthy self-image.
Tigers Eye: Stimulates compassion and personal empowerment. Assists us in removing old habits.